Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions about what you can expect.

Our Sunday Morning Prayer time is an entirely informal prayer time that we have set aside for those who would like to pray for the church and other prayer needs. This is located in our prayer room on the side of the building that houses the church offices and the classrooms.

Sunday School is located in the various classrooms on the side of the building that houses the church offices and the prayer room. There is one adult Sunday school class as well as a teen class and several children's classes divided up by age level. Each class studies age-appropriate lessons based on bible stories and other scripture.

Our Morning Worship Service is located in the sanctuary which is to the right as you enter the main entrance. Be sure to grab a church bulletin on your way into the sanctuary. Services start with a time of worship. About halfway through worship, Pastor Brian will get up and give our announcements for the week. Most of those announcements will also be in your bulletin. Then worship will continue for another song or two until Pastor Brian gets up to lead us in a time of prayer. During this time, you are welcome to come and kneel at the altar to pray for any needs you have, but you are also welcome to stay in your seat if you are more comfortable there. At this point, the children will be dismissed together for Children's Church. Then we will collect the offering. While we appreciate any offerings we receive, please do not feel as though you are required to give in order to attend our services. While the offering is being collected, there will be a song of worship played. Then Pastor Brian will give his sermon. Our bulletin usually includes at least part of the passage that his sermon is based on. You can also find his sermon outline on the back of the bulletin. After the sermon, the worship team will return to lead us in a final song. Then the service will be dismissed after a short benediction.

Our Wednesday Night Bible Study is broken up into three groups. The adults meet in the main sanctuary. The teens and the children meet in classrooms. In the first week of September 2022, the adults began a series titled "The Path: Discovering My Church" which will last through the end of the year. The Path series is designed to help new believers get their roots down into the Christian faith but it is also very valuable for experienced believers as well.

Our Sunday Morning Prayer time begins at 9:00 AM and lasts for about 30 minutes.

Sunday School begins at 9:30 AM and lasts for around an hour.

Our Morning Worship Service begins at 10:30 AM and runs for around an hour. Even if a service runs a little bit longer than usual, it's only by a few minutes. Generally speaking, a majority of people have usually left the church building by noon.

Wednesday Night Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM and runs for about an hour. We generally don't go any longer than that because the Worship Team practices afterwards.

We have a contemporary worship band made up of members of our congregation. They play from a song catalog containing a very wide variety of worship songs. There are some more traditional hymn-like worship songs as well as some contemporary Christian worship songs. For us, worship is not a production. This means that the lights stay on and there are definitely not any fog machines. However, the worship team does practice every week and they work hard to make sure that they are ready to lead us into a time of connecting with God through worship. During worship, there will be lyrics for every song displayed on the televisions at the front of the sanctuary so that you can follow along and join in.

You should wear what makes you feel comfortable. We don't want you to feel like you have to dress up or wear make-up in order to join us on Sunday. We have some people who do dress up every week, but we also have others who wear jeans and t-shirts. We understand that there are people who are really struggling. For some, it takes everything they have just to wake up, throw on some clothes, and drive to church on a Sunday morning. We don't want people to feel like they can't come to church because they don't have it in them to dress up that week. We are less concerned about what you wear to church on a given week, and we are more concerned about you as a person and how you are doing. In other words, we don't want you to come ready to impress. We just want you to come and join us.

Bring your kids with you! During Sunday School and Wednesday Night Bible Study, there will be classes that run separately for your children and teens. Bring your children and teens with you to our Morning Worship Service. The children will be dismissed together after worship for Children's Church. As of September 2022, we are still working out the details for our nursery program. When we launch our nursery, it will be consistently staffed and it will be for infants and toddlers ages 0-3. We do have some capable and safe volunteers to run the nursery on an as needed basis until then. If you would like to leave your infant or toddler in the nursery during service, please let us know so that we can make sure to call on one of our volunteers to care for them. If you would rather not leave your infant or toddler in the nursery, then you are more than welcome to bring them into the service with you. We are a family friendly church!

If you are visiting, especially for the first time, we ask that you stop by the Welcome Desk just inside the main entrance and fill out one of our welcome cards with your basic information. We only ask for your name, phone number, and email address to start with because we don't want to ask for so much information that it feels like an invasion of privacy. We just want enough information to be able to connect with you after your visit. You can also reach out to us ahead of your visit by sending us an email using our contact form, or by giving us a call. Also, after our Morning Worship Service, Pastor Brian and his wife, Tracy, are often found by the doors to the sanctuary greeting people as they leave. Be sure to stop by and introduce yourself! As a congregation, we love them and think they are pretty great, so we are sure you will love them too!